All Courses

  • Z_EM: Planning & Preparedness for Homeland Security & Emergency Management Post-9/11 and Post-Katrina Certificate Course C160411

    The course is designed to introduce those taking the course to a wide array of accompanying issues and concerns involving planning and preparedness for homeland security and emergency management in a post-9/11, post-Katrina world. Some specific areas that will be addressed during the course include the following: 1) The cultural divide between homeland security and emergency management that has evolved since 9/11 and that has become even more apparent in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and the role this cultural divide has played before and after Hurricane Katrina; 2) The post-Katrina efforts on the part of DHS to embrace an all-hazards approach to homeland security and emergency management; 3) The need to refocus efforts on prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery, and continuity of operations in a way that will help ensure the reliability, resilience, stability, and continuity of critical infrastructure; 4) The need to include an emphasis on the development of disaster resistant communities and regions, including disaster resistant infrastruc6ture within those communities and regions and within the nation as a whole especially in light of the wide range of challenges and threats facing the nation.

  • Organic Chemistry II Preparation

    This course is a fully-online, self-paced short course of designed to prepare students for Organic Chemistry II. The course uses engaging learning objects to guide the student through general chemistry and organic chemistry topics. Total estimated time to complete the course is 14 hours.

  • Z_The Harmfulness of Marijuana Use & Public Policy Approaches to Address the Challenges C170807E

    The objective of the course is to help increase the understanding of public policy makers, as well as other contributing members to society, concerning the harmful effects of marijuana use and the implications of those harmful effects for the mental and physical well-being of individuals of all ages in society; the implications of the harmful effects of marijuana use on the capacity of adults and ultimately, the rising generation to function as responsible citizens.

  • PCIT: CDI & PDI Teach Video Sessions

    In an effort to improve clinical delivery for PCIT services, these clinical demonstration videos are now available as part of a year long subscription to the PCIT International library of videos. During the CDI Teach and PDI Teach exemplar sessions, Dr. Robin Gurwitch demonstrates how to present all of the CDI Teach and PDI Teach information with a client. Viewers will be able to follow along with the Teach sessions in the PCIT protocol as each video segment is clearly marked with the topic being covered from the protocol. These videos would make an excellent introduction to PCIT for administrators who would like to know more about PCIT. These videos could also be a useful instructional tool for students enrolled in a child therapy graduate course. Finally, these videos could also be helpful in therapy should a caregiver require a refresher or if a spouse, partner, or additional caregiver is unable to make PCIT sessions but would like to support PCIT in the home. Don't miss seeing how a PCIT Master Trainer explains all of the "ins and outs" of these very crucial sessions. Please note that there are no PCIT or APA CE credits associated with these videos.

  • Z_The Effects and Impacts of Marijuana Use ~ Policies and Approaches Addressing the Challenges C180205C

    The objective of the course is to help increase the understanding of public policy makers, as well as other contributing members to society, concerning the harmful effects of marijuana use and the implications of those harmful effects for the mental and physical well-being of individuals of all ages in society; the implications of the harmful effects of marijuana use on the capacity of adults and ultimately, the rising generation to function as responsible citizens.

  • Z_The Effects and Impacts of Marijuana Use ~ Policies and Approaches Addressing the Challenges C180507C

    The objective of the course is to help increase the understanding of public policy makers, as well as other contributing members to society, concerning the harmful effects of marijuana use and the implications of those harmful effects for the mental and physical well-being of individuals of all ages in society; the implications of the harmful effects of marijuana use on the capacity of adults and ultimately, the rising generation to function as responsible citizens.

  • Z_The Effects and Impacts of Marijuana Use ~ Policies and Approaches Addressing the Challenges C180806

    The objective of the course is to help increase the understanding of public policy makers, as well as other contributing members to society, concerning the harmful effects of marijuana use and the implications of those harmful effects for the mental and physical well-being of individuals of all ages in society; the implications of the harmful effects of marijuana use on the capacity of adults and ultimately, the rising generation to function as responsible citizens.
